
by Stuart Lennon

The canines at Nero’s Notes have always been a key part of the business. Nero walked to work everyday, rain or shine. (As he got older, he sometimes got a lift home.) Then came Ollie, Clare’s trusty sidekick.

Taking over at the mountain hideaway was Spice. 

Now, as part of our plan for world dominance, we have recruited a new head of chewing. Wonderful customers of Nero’s Notes, I present to you, Charlie.

At the age of eighteen months, Rupert arrived at Rescue and Rehome Cyprus (RnR). A case of irreconcilable differences. We fostered him, and renamed him. So, Rupert became Charlie. He was fostered, lest he be the devil in disguise. I confirm that he is indeed, the devil in disguise, but in the most lovable way. Today, Mrs L confirmed to RnR that we would like to adopt Charlie.

I know you like your specifications, so here you are:

Breed: Wire-haired Jack Russell
Age: 18 months old
Colourings: White, with tan markings
Character: Irrepressible

Charlie is your dog. Stuart is looking after him on your behalf. Every subscription that we send out generates at least a £1 for RnR, which is run entirely by volunteers and supported by donations. Without the money that YOU have donated, Charlie could have ended up in all sorts of places. Few of them good.

As it is, he has ended up in the mountain hideaway, where he has melted the heart of Mrs L, and is making real progress with the haughty Cyprus Poodle-cross that is Spice. Me? I’m besotted. Nero was my best buddy, and much though I love Spice, she is Mrs L’s dog. Charlie has decided that I need supervision and is a constant presence at my side.

We have been warned that, left alone, he is wont to remodel furnishings both soft and hard; and we have observed that, upon my command (or anyone else’s), he does exactly what he wants. We’re in for an extended induction period, I suspect.

He is constantly curious, and entirely fearless. He weighs 17 pounds wet through, and at his first obedience class this morning, he was unwavering in the face of dogs three times his size. He wags his tail and plays. If he gets snarled at, barked at, shouted at, or ignored, he wags his tail some more.

Most of Charlie’s kennel mates end up at new homes in the UK, with some going to mainland Europe and a few staying on island. There’s a thought.

If adopting a dog is too much, by all means take a subscription from us. Nero, Ollie, Spice and Charlie would all approve.