Using a pocket notebook - 1. Introduction

by Stuart Lennon
From time to time, I’m asked “why should I use a pocket notebook?”

I have learned to answer with caution, as sometimes the question is intended only to lead into a long explanation as to why I’m a luddite and should be using electronic tools. That in itself, can be a great conversation, but it does get a bit repetitive.

There is no universal answer as to why anyone should take notes. There as as many ways to use a pocket notebook as there are people. This flexibility is a key feature. A pocket notebook will not force you to learn a syntax, or a workflow. It will work exactly as you want it to. Likewise, there is no agreement on which pocket notebook is best. There are myriad choices and many factors that influence which books that people prefer. Some users, like me, take joy in chopping and changing notebooks, and using different ones for different tasks.

I’ll give you some recommendations based on what I have used and enjoyed, but your mileage may vary.

Over the next ten weeks, I, Stuart, will take you through some of the ways that I use pocket notebooks, which is personal to me, but may resonate with you. You may decide that I’m entirely bonkers and that nothing has any relevance, but the fact that you are here indicates that you already have an interest in stationery and its ephemera. I’m hopeful that you’ll find something that works for you.


1. This one
2. What’s your style?
3. What’s your weapon?
4. Listy?
5. Daily Driver?
6. Commonplace
7. Hybrids and Journals
8. Building a habit
9. Archiving
10. Impact

If you have questions or comments - then please fire away. Either comment here on the site, or you can catch me on Twitter @stulennon, I’m always delighted to talk notebooks.