New York Rhapsody

by Stuart Lennon

It's a joy and a privilege to be a part of Nero's Notes. Since I took over Pocket Notebooks in 2017, the website has taken me on a journey of discovery. Made cynical in the corporate world, I didn't expect to find so much joy in stationery.

Watch this video by Adorama. Turn the volume up if you can, and take fifteen minutes to just breathe. 

How does that feel? You're smiling aren't you?

You are very welcome.

I was introduced to that video by a chap named Enon, who worked at Adorama for a time. He is responsible for the picture you can see in the embed above these words. 

Producing stunning pieces of art is everyday Enon. He is the man behind Dapper Notes (and a host of other creative projects).

Here at Nero's, we make it possible for people beyond the US to subscribe to the Bookhead Club. Six notebooks, one every other month. Each edition is handmade, and unique. They are absolutely stunning. Take a look at Enon's website if you don't believe me. 

We carry each of Enon's editions and are often the only place you can find older ones. Everything sells out very quickly in the US. 

I'll be honest, I don't mind if we sell out or not. Writing this post was really just an excuse for me to open New York Rhapsody, a notebook featuring the very same artwork on the cover and the best fly leaf I've ever seen in a notebook.

I haven't spoken to Enon in a while - but by the time you read this, I'm going to have given him a call. A conversation with him is a creative "Power-Up".