Wrapping up 2021...
2021 has been an interesting year to say the least! But this year we have stepped up our content game, seen a steady uptake in new customers, introduced some new items and looking at and researching other potential partnerships for the coming year.
As we take a moment to reflect on some of the guides and articles we’ve put out this year to help feed your analogue addiction, we have rounded up some of our top blog posts of 2021 for you to enjoy all over again or because of the inconceivable and preposterous notion that you haven't read them all - surely not - but just in case...
Our top posts of 2021
'Welcome to Nero's 2.0'
2021 was the year in which the website underwent a huge facelift. A Kennel upgrade if you will.
It's always a good idea to keep things fresh and we hope you like what we've done with the place.
There's not many things that top having a good pencil and this post covers just that. And not just any pencils, no no, the vibrant Blackwing Limited Edition Vol 64 - a literal feast for the eyes - and you do know we have our own Limited Edition Musgrave pencils designed specifically (and exclusively) for Nero's.
'Getting to know Wilder'
We love to talk to our fantastic suppliers especially home grown ones. So pull up a cushion, grab a jumbone and spin around 6 times before sitting down to enjoy our chat with Team Wilder.
'Why write letters?'
Why write letters indeed. But there's something special about the whole writing a letter thing that resonates with many of us. And we should do it more.
'Mechanical Pencils or their Wooden counterparts. Which is best?'
I think this title is pretty self explanatory. FIGHT!
'Team Favourite Notebooks'
The Nero's team shared thoughts about their favourite notebooks and why we just love 'em so much. Is yours in here?
Read full article to find out.
2021 has been rough on many of us and we sincerely hope you all have healthier times ahead. So to you dear reader, we raise a paw...
All the best for 2022.
The Nero's Team