Store Update

by Stuart Lennon

What Ho!

Soon be Christmas, eh?

Some more updates from the mountain hideaway.

Facebook, Messenger and Instagram.

Facebook has a new app for businesses like Nero’s to connect their platforms to Shopify. And it’s free! (That last bit is a matter of opinion.)

This is how it goes - FB will facilitate sales seamlessly through their platforms. All they ask for in return is all the customer data that we hold. That’s your data. We don’t want to give it to anyone. So - I have declined the app. The ability to purchase directly through those apps is deteriorating. Come to the website directly.


The cost of getting stock here, and then out to you is going up. An inevitable consequence of the pandemic. Free shipping for the UK is now for orders of £20 or more. Order less than £20, and you will pay £3 shipping.

The shipping costs contribute to us needing to put the prices up on the subscriptions too. We have kept these prices static, (more than 3 years, I think) but we can’t anymore. Pocket is now £24, Desk £21 & Nero’s £27. Reach out to us if you want us to adjust your subscription.

Field Notes

The LE, Snowy Evening, the Gamemaster and National Parks F are all on the site for pre-order. We placed our order last week, as soon as they were released. Field Notes usually employs casual staff at LE-time to manage the masses of orders. That has not been possible this year, while maintaining social distancing. The moment we get them, the long-suffering Clare will bounce them out to you all.

Stay safe, and treasure each other.